Monday, May 9, 2016

The Last One: My Portfolio

This semester was great, & seeing everyone grow individually, as well as studying under Zack was indeed a pleasure. & great job making this class so individualistic, I saw the effort to integrate technology & the blog to make the class a little less traditional. Hallelujah for that! & a Big Thanks for helping me be a little less nervous with my public speaking abilities! Everyone blossomed into beautiful little butterflies...

Here's the Pod:

Friday, April 29, 2016

Speech #4 Reflection

Group Speech


   I really appreciated this assignment. It was a realistic kind of work environment,  hopefully in the future I could work in something like this... It helped show me my pro's & con's of my own work ethic. The first few speeches being all on my own, I had to first come up with an idea on my own, generate it from bottom to top, and present it with the upmost eloquence. Those speeches were in ways much more stressful lying only in my own hands. 
  It was great to work with Barela, Jimenez, & McCool, there was such a dynamic in the group, where everyone had something to offer in their own ways. Barela was so open minded to all ideas, shooting in his two cents whenever there were some little miscommunications to ease tension. Jimenez was always on track at finding our key facts to spice up our research information, and helped find those ariel views of the property. And McCool being native to Carpinteria was obviously the most helpful. She already had the idea right away, and everyone just ran off of that! 
   The Mission Statement was just a mix of intro thesis sentences, we had been typing out randomly to try and help the audience understand what our main goal for this organization was. After the first day speakers went, someone saw a Mission statement for another group, and that kinda clicked, helping tie our hopes together and sort of motivating them for what we were about to show them.. 
I guess you missed our Safe and Secure parking lot drop off loading area, where parents can easily pick up their child as well as a decent amount of parking space, instead of front curb side pick up. which leads children to the front door ID scanner to be able to enter our facility into your wine & dine area... 
   The concerned parent idea were also late ideas someone thought of, to make the presentation a little easier and more personal for the audience to follow.  We needed a way to get people to ask specific questions, but obviously it's hard to get you guys to ask them at the right time so having a rotating character; 1. helped the flow, and 2. gave Barela a bit more equal speaking time to the ladies. As well, he was up for anything and a great sport!
   The idea of the Prezi was just to show the audience what the property looked like exactly and what we had to offer, the amenities of the facility. Were trying to sell them annual memberships to The Dump. Not trying to get more $ for the place, just get parents involved or aware of the place and signing up, through us there at the PTA meeting, at discount. Or sign up through Boys & Girls Club or The Carp Pool. 
Thank god this assignment felt a little longer too, and I'm glad this all came together!


Friday, April 15, 2016

Speech #4 Outline

Speech # 4; Group Work!

Been working on this... Blue Print style of the main "foundation" for the property. During our first group meeting, we just sketched up what we imagined the rooms to be separated into. We found the ariel view on Google Earth to help give us a rough estimate of how large the building actually is. We'll post the first sketch later, next just got to add some pictures & captions for each rooms description.
The rough roles-
Sarah McCool: CEO Founder of, The Dump
Sarah Jimenez: Teenager/Mother/Coach
Steven Barela: Investor (Property contractor back round)
Mackenzie March: Investor #2 (PR back round)

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Start Stop Continue # 3

This was a fun speech to look into further. It changed my perspective even more then before about how many different interests can become huge radical movements, if we get enough people on board… Crazy ideals or not..
·      Well my favorite speech by far was McCool’s, I'll more then likely attend the tournament just to watch her speak, and I'm trying to encourage some of my radical roommates to come see the discussion on the new evolution of marriage. It was indeed a radical movement! And her incorporation with our class's youthfulness and her obvious feminist movement really was one of the best topics she could have picked for herself. She was comfortable, not just with the topic, but her pace and tone, as always on point.
·      Ryan Fochtman’s speech was a really close first contender in my eyes as well! His topic was informative, grabbed my attention from the start, and he seemed to really understand what he was talking about with compassion.
·      I also really enjoyed the attention hook Conner Thomson used when he threw all the loose change on the desk! He definitely grabbed my attention and kept me till the last word. As well as following through when one of his slides didn’t show up during the presentation.. I would of $#!+ myself or possibly even stopped talking completely if I was stuck up there impromptu. High five for following through and feeling comfortable enough to keep going even when you got stuck.

Well off the bat I need to collect myself a lot more, or maybe just stop syking myself out so hard. Calm my heart rate/ blood pressure, collect my thoughts, taking one word at a time, and presenting myself right then and now, finding my person at that present moment. First off cut the caffeine completely days of speeches. It doesn’t help! Next I look at the speech before hand as a hugee endeavor, and then in the process of speaking I’m usually just subconsciously hoping those five minutes will run out a little faster. Or Castle will hold up that 4-minute marker one minute earlier. I’m running high speed everywhere, my heart my wrists the backs of my knees, the worst part is my chest, I literally look down every time before I start to talk and see my heart about to burst out of my chest. Then my ADHD/ dyslexia head is going a mile a minute, making my tongue trip over its own words.  I can speak in smaller group settings with ease and comfortably, but when it comes to being front and center stage talking about something in specifics, or hoping I come off with enough clarity for the audience to understand me is my biggest concern.
Okay, just rereading my start commentary, I need to calm down. Quit stressing so hard on what everyone else is thinking about what I’m saying. Most people aren’t really taking in 100% of what you’re saying anyways, but all in all come off like you know what you’re talking about. Will someone please slap my hand or shock me every time I say “UMM” or “UHH” in my next speech!... I just wanted to slap myself after watching the video over and over. I stopped counting at 15.. bad bad and so inarticulate, I really need to work on that.
SO being Italian, the hand gestures are a blessing that come naturally, but the podium has become a comfort zone, which I need to step away from and try to pace in front of the audience a bit more. But I try to be as prepared as possible with my visual presentation so that there are no mess ups that can be avoided. AS well I’m not the most tech savy person, as you may know, so I try to stay ahead of the game instead of procrastinating till the last minute.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Prezi # 3 speech Radical

I'm adding a little more... not exactly sure where yet... But I feel like just dumping all the commonalities and references to the  social aspect of life on the audience will, in a way, take their breath away.. feeling overwhelmed and unconsumed.. not wanting any further connections to such fake BS.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Speech # 3 Dump

I'm a very visual kind of person, my apologies for the chicken scratch.. I thought a brain dump that kind of categorized the different aspects in my head would make it easier to put them all in order.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


This speech was by far one of the hardest concepts for me to tie together for myself. First just trying to understand what we were expected to do, and then figuring out a scenario that I can easily and in somewhat of a "comfortable" setting, try to present just the conventions.
Walking onto stage center was a bit easier and more comfortable presenting myself to the audience, instead of just standing front center from the beginning. As well walking back and forth across stage helped my eye contact a little more, and helped the blood and Adrenalin pump to different parts of my body instead of heart center.
My biggest issue with public speaking is always thinking ahead of my words. I am thinking too quickly about what to say that my tongue gets tied and it turns into work jumble. I ended up reverting back to my waitress conventions and started speaking in a way that I am comfortable with on a daily basis. the word vomit is confusing not only to the audience but then I get messed up in my rhythm of the speech making it feel awkward, and very fake. Another thing is my tone of voice, I am not trying to come off as ingenue but the tone of my voice at some points feels like I'm more acting then relaying what actually needs to be said. Working on conveying the message clearer, and keeping with steady pace will help for a less awkward presentation, hopefully.
Trying to mingle with the audience, and keeping direct eye contact with their hair is a big factor in helping me for the next speech. I am excited I saw in the blog there's a persuasive speech... well those are by far my favorite if you couldn't tell from Speech #1. Engage, Engage, direct, continue.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Genre: Doctor Edition

  • Walk into the lobby, anxious as ever!
  • look around, find a directory, which floor?...
  • Elevator doors open, packed & squeezed tightly 
  • "level 7 please" trying not to touch shoulders with the germ infested man directly next to me (don't inhale his cough, breath through your mouth... wait I can contract it that way too) 
  • keep pushing farther away from the sickling, moving closer to the gentleman sitting in the wheel chair, his eyes right at hip level
  •  feeling his heavy breathing and his eyes crawl up my back. 
  • *Push & shove "excuse us this is our floor" as the nurse hits the back of my ankle with the old mans foot rest attached to the wheel chair. 
  • *elevator doors open, sign says: Chemotherapy
  • Give the man eye contact and a head nod, a sign of good luck
  • Doors close, motion upward, next illuminated number 3
  • Open to the next sign: CAT SCAN 
  • the gentleman that was coughing all over my personal bubble, gets off with hanker chief in hand covering his mouth looking as if he was about to cough again 
  • "Have a beautiful day young lady" 
  • the doors begin to shut again, realizing I'm the last remaining in the elevator 
  • moving swiftly up the shafts to my designated floor
  • the doors open wide, one more time, I look at the sign: OBGYN 
  • This is the floor 
  • walk into a LED lit room, lots of pregnant woman & screaming children 
  • throwing magazines, seeking the attention of their parental 
  • walk up to the receptionist "Hi I have an appointment", "Last name?" in a mutter, with little eye contact or even a slight lift of her head from her monitor. 
  • "your appointments at 11:30, it's 11:15, there are a few people ahead of you" 
  • " No problem, that's why I got here early" 
  • Throwing a clip board over the counter "fill all the highlighted parts out, and bring it back to me when your done." 
  •  Walking away from the counter, back into the chaos of mothers consoling children, and overdue pregnant women feeling the affects of there over bearing child laying low on their bladders. 
  • I sit down beside mothers that allow the chairs to be used as a jungle gym for their hyperactive children 
  • look down at the clip board
  • papers read "change of residency" "has there been a change in your residency in the last year" check: No
  • Change of insurance: check NO
  • Change in Medication :NO
  • Family History: oh God you expect me to know that in depth?!
  • return the clipboard at 11:22
  • Now go sit in the corner, far enough away from the child in the stroller pelting a magazine at the poor expecting mothers head.
  • look around trying find something to distract you from your empathetic staring 'Oh look a magazine from 2011' 
  • flip through it once, find some good articles
  • go back to the beginning flip through it again
  • read the pop culture articles from five years ago, refresh your memory on what was never important, like Beyonce's baby being born..
  • next magazine... "how long have a I been waiting?" look at the clock
  • Clock reads 11:50 
  • 20 minutes late for my appointment 
  • Start getting antsy 
  • five more minutes pass 
  • 11:55- Walk up to the counter, "Are the doctors running a little late today?" 
  • "Yes, but your the next to be seen. Just have a seat you'll be taken care of soon"
  • before sitting back down with the animals, I hear my name "Mackenzie?"
  • Run over to the open door where the nurse stands and asks my date of birth. 
  • 10/1/93 
  • "can I get your height & weight"
  • "Okay, I'll take you into this room now to get your blood pressure and have you answer a few questions"
  • rap a Velcro band around my bicep, contracting till I feel the pulse in my arm 
  • Blood Pressure :"normal"
  • "any abnormal feelings" -"Feeling normal"
  • "change in your medication/ or current meds that your on"
  • how many alcoholic beverages per week?
  • smoke?
  • what?
  • how much? 
  • direct eye contact from the nurse, "It's bad for you, you should really try and stop" (obviously)
  • "any specific reason why your here today?"
  • just the annual check up
  • "the doctor will be right in" 
  • Panorama the new room

Monday, February 22, 2016

Genre Speech #2 Outline

Mackenzie March                                                 Genre Speech

Leonardo DiCaprio finally wins an Oscar!

  • Grab the audience with a hook 
  • Welcome the audience and all of the potential recipients of the award
  • Corky comment about the runners/contestants
  • Going from the general to more precise & intimate about the possibly winner
  • The list of nominated people and what the reason for nomination
  • Best Actor award
  • Recognition 
  • Specific movies/ gigs
  • Good & bad parts or roles
  • Any possible fuck ups or oops' they might of made
  • Compare/relate the individuals to yourself
  • Strengths & struggles 
  • Media coverage 
  • Drum role(pause)
  • Announce the winner
  • Round of applause 
  • Hand shack/ hug recipient 

Speech Genre: Presenting a famous person with an Oscar for achievement in visual effects this Sunday!

First, I’ll walk on stage, huge smile, as the crowd applauses, I might join in the clapping for myself… Then I will tell the audience what specific category of award I will be presenting, possibly with a partnered host.
Got to grab the audience with a corky hook make em laugh
Take a huge pause… waiting for the laughter and applause to shush
Then recall back on a time when I was once in similar correlation with the contenders  
Maybe start talking about “the good ol’ days”
Banter back and forth, telling your co-host how good he is at doing his job, then he might throw some bs back at you like how dapper your looking this evening. Lighting up the room
Continue the smiles and fake appreciation for the other person more important that yourself that’s winning the award. Comment on how hard the work and time must have been salving away to make us these films.
Begin by announcing the category for the award  
“And the nominies for best visual effects are…”
I will then open an envelope slowely, announcing “And the Oscar goes to…”
Trying to read the whole title, buried by applause, congratulate the winner and exit Stage right.  

Sunday, February 7, 2016

SeaWorld Post-Speech Analysis

    My speech was more along the lines of a persuasive speech, rather than a pitch trying to be made to the CEO of Sea World. Watching my speech video was actually shocking, my public speaking abilities are not up to the confident level I assumed myself at. Disappointed in my attempts even to complete a proper sentence and stuttering over my own thoughts and words, was very embarrassing. The biggest problem I had was thinking too far ahead, making it hard for my tongue to formulate full sentences out loud.
   Seeing my attempts checked off in numbers on a page after watching the video multiple times, brought to my attention the over reliance for the note card, and how that changed the rhythmics of my speech.
   I guess in a way, I already saw my speech, not as a pitch, but an attempt to hypothetically and rhetorically change a persons (at a higher statures) mind about something. When money, and power are key factors of any conversation, its difficult to push through to someone, and some of those heart hitting facts are necessary in convincing the to change them from a one sided perspective to a well rounded view. Maybe saying "You are the cause for the maltreatment of these animals" was a bit harsh, but isn't honesty a better policy?! As well, this conversation was not supposed to be heard or directed to the audience. It was between a morally upset citizen and a man who is benefiting and grows financially daily off of the entertainment of living creatures. I have no more credibility in this matter then you or my own mother, but don't we all have hearts and eyes that see and feel the pain, not only physically but psychologically that these animals are dealing with on a daily basis.
   Having a reading disabilities makes it harder to use a note card I think, and because of that from now on I need to take the time not to focus on writing down the note card at hand, but to memorize and practice multiple times, days in advance to be better prepared. And maybe I'll use a classmate next time to direct the conversation in that direction rather then aimlessly at the class itself. I got so much more nervous seeing so many eyes looking at me.
   This speech did not have a real goal or purpose of conversation, I more or less just bumped into him and started railing him with facts... I'm not the kind of person who small talks really in any situation, if I have a point it is to be made and that's it, you won't hear my voice till the next fact is valid. I see that demeanor in other individuals as well, especially if passionate about a subject (AKA my family). There is not much room in edge wise with people that "know what they're talking about". Sea World understands and has been practicing entertainment for years now. That is there money maker, these third party perspectives are what keep the balance. Almost like Church & State, but more humbling... kind of.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Elevator Pitch Draft #1

I am currently stuck in an elevator with Joel Manby, the CEO of Sea World in San Diego. He just finished up a press conference at the Convention Center, discussing the future progression of Sea World and what there plans are for the near future.

Well Mr. Manby, that was quit a exhilarating speech you did there. But I have a few questions for you while were here...
I understand and have seen first hand how, financially impacting "Black Fish" was for your company, After hearing you explain a little bit of what your planning on doing for future days, where in any of that speech did you actually discuss the whales in any way or even take the time to discuss trying to enhance the well being and living environments of those animals in your possession.
I'm curious to hear from your mouth what you believe is right and wrong when you look around your park? Don't you wish your children could witness these majestic creatures breaching out of the waters they're native too? And no, I need to clarify this with you, these whales have been phyically harmed by YOU, and the maltreatment of your company. If you would have left them where they belong, you would never see Killer Whales dying at ages a quarter of what is naturally expected to. Putting the orcas into a natural ocean pen would benefit them incredibly. I have no idea where you got this conception, but the natural balance of the ocean would help the aminals feel in some ways more natural, and giving them back their natural environment!
Stokes plummeted when "Black Fish" came to the public, and hearing your plan for expansion of the tanks is a small plus, Yes, but why spend $300 million on tank expansions when that money could go to the research and development for a protected natural pen somewhere off one of our coast lines. Can't you imagine how absloutely thrilled an animal of that capacity would be, going out into the wild learning how to hunt, and swim like real living whales do.
your impact has been made to the public whether you expected it to be positive or not, but the ball is in your court sir whether you want to play the game of God or not is up to you. Continue to do your research and help the Marine Biology Community, but consider changing your path from entertainment to the well being of these beautiful creatures.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

A Little About Me!

Hi Everyone in COMM 131,

It's a pleasure to have the opportunity to study along side all of you, and cannot wait to hopefully get to know a few others on a deeper basis. My name is Mackenzie March, and currently I am studying at SBCC trying to complete my double major in English Literature, and Communications. I have (well) fortunately and unfortunately been attending City College for a little less then four years, so I hope for this to be one of my last semesters here, and then head to Antioch to complete my Bachelors degree in both subjects. I have always lived in Downtown Santa Barbara, since attending SBCC, but was born & raised in San Diego, handing me the opportunity of a little more leisure and exploration. I have found myself to be a creative individual, with many interests, but little passion and enthusiasm to grow up. I hope completing my Communication major, will help me to find that little niche I've been looking for.