Monday, February 22, 2016

Genre Speech #2 Outline

Mackenzie March                                                 Genre Speech

Leonardo DiCaprio finally wins an Oscar!

  • Grab the audience with a hook 
  • Welcome the audience and all of the potential recipients of the award
  • Corky comment about the runners/contestants
  • Going from the general to more precise & intimate about the possibly winner
  • The list of nominated people and what the reason for nomination
  • Best Actor award
  • Recognition 
  • Specific movies/ gigs
  • Good & bad parts or roles
  • Any possible fuck ups or oops' they might of made
  • Compare/relate the individuals to yourself
  • Strengths & struggles 
  • Media coverage 
  • Drum role(pause)
  • Announce the winner
  • Round of applause 
  • Hand shack/ hug recipient 

Speech Genre: Presenting a famous person with an Oscar for achievement in visual effects this Sunday!

First, I’ll walk on stage, huge smile, as the crowd applauses, I might join in the clapping for myself… Then I will tell the audience what specific category of award I will be presenting, possibly with a partnered host.
Got to grab the audience with a corky hook make em laugh
Take a huge pause… waiting for the laughter and applause to shush
Then recall back on a time when I was once in similar correlation with the contenders  
Maybe start talking about “the good ol’ days”
Banter back and forth, telling your co-host how good he is at doing his job, then he might throw some bs back at you like how dapper your looking this evening. Lighting up the room
Continue the smiles and fake appreciation for the other person more important that yourself that’s winning the award. Comment on how hard the work and time must have been salving away to make us these films.
Begin by announcing the category for the award  
“And the nominies for best visual effects are…”
I will then open an envelope slowely, announcing “And the Oscar goes to…”
Trying to read the whole title, buried by applause, congratulate the winner and exit Stage right.  

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