Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Genre: Doctor Edition

  • Walk into the lobby, anxious as ever!
  • look around, find a directory, which floor?...
  • Elevator doors open, packed & squeezed tightly 
  • "level 7 please" trying not to touch shoulders with the germ infested man directly next to me (don't inhale his cough, breath through your mouth... wait I can contract it that way too) 
  • keep pushing farther away from the sickling, moving closer to the gentleman sitting in the wheel chair, his eyes right at hip level
  •  feeling his heavy breathing and his eyes crawl up my back. 
  • *Push & shove "excuse us this is our floor" as the nurse hits the back of my ankle with the old mans foot rest attached to the wheel chair. 
  • *elevator doors open, sign says: Chemotherapy
  • Give the man eye contact and a head nod, a sign of good luck
  • Doors close, motion upward, next illuminated number 3
  • Open to the next sign: CAT SCAN 
  • the gentleman that was coughing all over my personal bubble, gets off with hanker chief in hand covering his mouth looking as if he was about to cough again 
  • "Have a beautiful day young lady" 
  • the doors begin to shut again, realizing I'm the last remaining in the elevator 
  • moving swiftly up the shafts to my designated floor
  • the doors open wide, one more time, I look at the sign: OBGYN 
  • This is the floor 
  • walk into a LED lit room, lots of pregnant woman & screaming children 
  • throwing magazines, seeking the attention of their parental 
  • walk up to the receptionist "Hi I have an appointment", "Last name?" in a mutter, with little eye contact or even a slight lift of her head from her monitor. 
  • "your appointments at 11:30, it's 11:15, there are a few people ahead of you" 
  • " No problem, that's why I got here early" 
  • Throwing a clip board over the counter "fill all the highlighted parts out, and bring it back to me when your done." 
  •  Walking away from the counter, back into the chaos of mothers consoling children, and overdue pregnant women feeling the affects of there over bearing child laying low on their bladders. 
  • I sit down beside mothers that allow the chairs to be used as a jungle gym for their hyperactive children 
  • look down at the clip board
  • papers read "change of residency" "has there been a change in your residency in the last year" check: No
  • Change of insurance: check NO
  • Change in Medication :NO
  • Family History: oh God you expect me to know that in depth?!
  • return the clipboard at 11:22
  • Now go sit in the corner, far enough away from the child in the stroller pelting a magazine at the poor expecting mothers head.
  • look around trying find something to distract you from your empathetic staring 'Oh look a magazine from 2011' 
  • flip through it once, find some good articles
  • go back to the beginning flip through it again
  • read the pop culture articles from five years ago, refresh your memory on what was never important, like Beyonce's baby being born..
  • next magazine... "how long have a I been waiting?" look at the clock
  • Clock reads 11:50 
  • 20 minutes late for my appointment 
  • Start getting antsy 
  • five more minutes pass 
  • 11:55- Walk up to the counter, "Are the doctors running a little late today?" 
  • "Yes, but your the next to be seen. Just have a seat you'll be taken care of soon"
  • before sitting back down with the animals, I hear my name "Mackenzie?"
  • Run over to the open door where the nurse stands and asks my date of birth. 
  • 10/1/93 
  • "can I get your height & weight"
  • "Okay, I'll take you into this room now to get your blood pressure and have you answer a few questions"
  • rap a Velcro band around my bicep, contracting till I feel the pulse in my arm 
  • Blood Pressure :"normal"
  • "any abnormal feelings" -"Feeling normal"
  • "change in your medication/ or current meds that your on"
  • how many alcoholic beverages per week?
  • smoke?
  • what?
  • how much? 
  • direct eye contact from the nurse, "It's bad for you, you should really try and stop" (obviously)
  • "any specific reason why your here today?"
  • just the annual check up
  • "the doctor will be right in" 
  • Panorama the new room

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