My speech was more along the lines of a persuasive speech, rather than a pitch trying to be made to the CEO of Sea World. Watching my speech video was actually shocking, my public speaking abilities are not up to the confident level I assumed myself at. Disappointed in my attempts even to complete a proper sentence and stuttering over my own thoughts and words, was very embarrassing. The biggest problem I had was thinking too far ahead, making it hard for my tongue to formulate full sentences out loud.
Seeing my attempts checked off in numbers on a page after watching the video multiple times, brought to my attention the over reliance for the note card, and how that changed the rhythmics of my speech.
I guess in a way, I already saw my speech, not as a pitch, but an attempt to hypothetically and rhetorically change a persons (at a higher statures) mind about something. When money, and power are key factors of any conversation, its difficult to push through to someone, and some of those heart hitting facts are necessary in convincing the to change them from a one sided perspective to a well rounded view. Maybe saying "You are the cause for the maltreatment of these animals" was a bit harsh, but isn't honesty a better policy?! As well, this conversation was not supposed to be heard or directed to the audience. It was between a morally upset citizen and a man who is benefiting and grows financially daily off of the entertainment of living creatures. I have no more credibility in this matter then you or my own mother, but don't we all have hearts and eyes that see and feel the pain, not only physically but psychologically that these animals are dealing with on a daily basis.
Having a reading disabilities makes it harder to use a note card I think, and because of that from now on I need to take the time not to focus on writing down the note card at hand, but to memorize and practice multiple times, days in advance to be better prepared. And maybe I'll use a classmate next time to direct the conversation in that direction rather then aimlessly at the class itself. I got so much more nervous seeing so many eyes looking at me.
This speech did not have a real goal or purpose of conversation, I more or less just bumped into him and started railing him with facts... I'm not the kind of person who small talks really in any situation, if I have a point it is to be made and that's it, you won't hear my voice till the next fact is valid. I see that demeanor in other individuals as well, especially if passionate about a subject (AKA my family). There is not much room in edge wise with people that "know what they're talking about". Sea World understands and has been practicing entertainment for years now. That is there money maker, these third party perspectives are what keep the balance. Almost like Church & State, but more humbling... kind of.
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