I am currently stuck in an elevator with Joel Manby, the CEO of Sea World in San Diego. He just finished up a press conference at the Convention Center, discussing the future progression of Sea World and what there plans are for the near future.
Well Mr. Manby, that was quit a exhilarating speech you did there. But I have a few questions for you while were here...
I understand and have seen first hand how, financially impacting "Black Fish" was for your company, After hearing you explain a little bit of what your planning on doing for future days, where in any of that speech did you actually discuss the whales in any way or even take the time to discuss trying to enhance the well being and living environments of those animals in your possession.
I'm curious to hear from your mouth what you believe is right and wrong when you look around your park? Don't you wish your children could witness these majestic creatures breaching out of the waters they're native too? And no, I need to clarify this with you, these whales have been phyically harmed by YOU, and the maltreatment of your company. If you would have left them where they belong, you would never see Killer Whales dying at ages a quarter of what is naturally expected to. Putting the orcas into a natural ocean pen would benefit them incredibly. I have no idea where you got this conception, but the natural balance of the ocean would help the aminals feel in some ways more natural, and giving them back their natural environment!
Stokes plummeted when "Black Fish" came to the public, and hearing your plan for expansion of the tanks is a small plus, Yes, but why spend $300 million on tank expansions when that money could go to the research and development for a protected natural pen somewhere off one of our coast lines. Can't you imagine how absloutely thrilled an animal of that capacity would be, going out into the wild learning how to hunt, and swim like real living whales do.
your impact has been made to the public whether you expected it to be positive or not, but the ball is in your court sir whether you want to play the game of God or not is up to you. Continue to do your research and help the Marine Biology Community, but consider changing your path from entertainment to the well being of these beautiful creatures.
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