Group Speech
I really appreciated this assignment. It was a realistic kind of work environment, hopefully in the future I could work in something like this... It helped show me my pro's & con's of my own work ethic. The first few speeches being all on my own, I had to first come up with an idea on my own, generate it from bottom to top, and present it with the upmost eloquence. Those speeches were in ways much more stressful lying only in my own hands.
It was great to work with Barela, Jimenez, & McCool, there was such a dynamic in the group, where everyone had something to offer in their own ways. Barela was so open minded to all ideas, shooting in his two cents whenever there were some little miscommunications to ease tension. Jimenez was always on track at finding our key facts to spice up our research information, and helped find those ariel views of the property. And McCool being native to Carpinteria was obviously the most helpful. She already had the idea right away, and everyone just ran off of that!
The Mission Statement was just a mix of intro thesis sentences, we had been typing out randomly to try and help the audience understand what our main goal for this organization was. After the first day speakers went, someone saw a Mission statement for another group, and that kinda clicked, helping tie our hopes together and sort of motivating them for what we were about to show them..
I guess you missed our Safe and Secure parking lot drop off loading area, where parents can easily pick up their child as well as a decent amount of parking space, instead of front curb side pick up. which leads children to the front door ID scanner to be able to enter our facility into your wine & dine area...
The concerned parent idea were also late ideas someone thought of, to make the presentation a little easier and more personal for the audience to follow. We needed a way to get people to ask specific questions, but obviously it's hard to get you guys to ask them at the right time so having a rotating character; 1. helped the flow, and 2. gave Barela a bit more equal speaking time to the ladies. As well, he was up for anything and a great sport!
The idea of the Prezi was just to show the audience what the property looked like exactly and what we had to offer, the amenities of the facility. Were trying to sell them annual memberships to The Dump. Not trying to get more $ for the place, just get parents involved or aware of the place and signing up, through us there at the PTA meeting, at discount. Or sign up through Boys & Girls Club or The Carp Pool.
Thank god this assignment felt a little longer too, and I'm glad this all came together!