Saturday, March 19, 2016

Prezi # 3 speech Radical

I'm adding a little more... not exactly sure where yet... But I feel like just dumping all the commonalities and references to the  social aspect of life on the audience will, in a way, take their breath away.. feeling overwhelmed and unconsumed.. not wanting any further connections to such fake BS.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Speech # 3 Dump

I'm a very visual kind of person, my apologies for the chicken scratch.. I thought a brain dump that kind of categorized the different aspects in my head would make it easier to put them all in order.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


This speech was by far one of the hardest concepts for me to tie together for myself. First just trying to understand what we were expected to do, and then figuring out a scenario that I can easily and in somewhat of a "comfortable" setting, try to present just the conventions.
Walking onto stage center was a bit easier and more comfortable presenting myself to the audience, instead of just standing front center from the beginning. As well walking back and forth across stage helped my eye contact a little more, and helped the blood and Adrenalin pump to different parts of my body instead of heart center.
My biggest issue with public speaking is always thinking ahead of my words. I am thinking too quickly about what to say that my tongue gets tied and it turns into work jumble. I ended up reverting back to my waitress conventions and started speaking in a way that I am comfortable with on a daily basis. the word vomit is confusing not only to the audience but then I get messed up in my rhythm of the speech making it feel awkward, and very fake. Another thing is my tone of voice, I am not trying to come off as ingenue but the tone of my voice at some points feels like I'm more acting then relaying what actually needs to be said. Working on conveying the message clearer, and keeping with steady pace will help for a less awkward presentation, hopefully.
Trying to mingle with the audience, and keeping direct eye contact with their hair is a big factor in helping me for the next speech. I am excited I saw in the blog there's a persuasive speech... well those are by far my favorite if you couldn't tell from Speech #1. Engage, Engage, direct, continue.